RANS S-7LS Courier   (Ready to fly)

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The S-7LS Courier is a classic in the true sense of the word. From the tasteful lines to the touch, smell and feel, it beckons of an era when flying was a grass roots experience, when flying was a personal enjoyment without pressure to make it pay or need to be justified in the eyes of "accounting." The S-7LS is flying for the sake of flying. It is quality air time. It is time well spent getting in touch once again with why you earned your ticket.

Flying the Courier develops a profound respect for the evolution of a classic. No doubt about it, the Courier has been influenced by great planes - like the Cubs and Champs - except evolved to an advantage. At first introduction you will welcome some more obvious changes. Five-foot wide doors on both sides, spring steel gear, and balanced, light controls.



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Located in NE Tennessee